First Steps and Settings in GigB

How to set up your GigB Account

Tomasz Kowalczyk

Last Update één jaar geleden

First things first: let's go through some important Settings that will help you to make the best out of GigB, right from the Beginning!

There are 3 essential Steps, that we recommend to do uppon your first login on the GigB app:

1. Name your first Project

And provide some marketing information, such as a photo or links to your social media channels.

2. Set up your E-Mail smtp Connection

This will allow you to send out application mails to venues or any other messages to your clients directly from the GigB app.

3. Upload your personal Letterhead

This will be used as a background to all your invoices or quotes which you can create directly within the GigB app.

Check out our 5 minutes onboarding Video that will show you how to easily set up these 3 Things:

Recources mentioned in the video:

Link to the Gmail App Password Section:

You will need to have 2-Way Verification set up for this link to work!


GigB Sample Letterhead to use as a blueprint for your personal Letterhead:


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